Meet The Team
Founder & CEO 創辦人
Julan Huang
「探索美學、由愛出發、發掘自我」 Let us learn together how to discover ourselves with awareness, respect, and love.
Personal Color Advisor 個人形象顧問導師 (台北)
Kelly Chen
「用我最愛的色彩,發掘閃閃發光的你」Discover your sparkling self with your favorite colors within professional makeup artist advice.
Personal Color Advisor 個人形象顧問導師 (台北)
Olivia Lee
「讓個人色彩風格穿搭,成為最輕鬆自在的表達!」Let your personal color and style become the most relaxed and comfortable expression.
Personal Color Advisor 個人形象顧問導師 (台北)
Omi Kao
「穿搭是為了表達自己, 用色彩點亮 展現個性魅力」Dressing is about expressing yourself. Light up with colors to show your personality.
Personal Color Advisor 個人形象顧問導師 (台中)
Chi Chi
Personal Color Advisor 個人形象顧問導師 (高雄)
Belle Fu
「這是一個很神奇又好 玩的世界」
Fashion Advisor 個人時尚顧問 (TW)
Shirley Chou
「協助享受美麗時光的你,精準採買適合自己的單品,穿出自己的品味。」 We help you accurately purchase items that suit your own taste.
Personal Color Advisor 個人色彩風格顧問 (TW)
YaYa Chiu
「做一位有風格的人,在你晨起之際、行走之間,舉手投足的氣質,是你最迷人的妝點。」Being a person with style is your most charming look.
Personal Color Advisor 個人色彩顧問導師 (HK)
Carrie Kwok
To choose wisely for your unique beauty!
And to help you find the true beauty in your own self via the Personal Color.
Personal Color Advisor 個人色彩顧問導師 (NY)
Wendy Lin
Miss Wendy 今年已經50歲了!
「 50歲的我,活出了我18歲想要的樣子!」
I've Achieved the Life I Dreamed of at 18!