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顏分析彩妝調整 Makeup Consultations


  • 2 小時
  • 6,800新台币
  • 台北市 Taipei


"顏分析彩妝調整" 包含以下相關的項目: (兩小時內容,可以任選下列3項焦點式重點執行;四季色彩研究室會員,送"個人虛擬試妝"!!) 1. 顏色分析: 透過對個人膚色、眼睛顏色和頭髮顏色的分析,建議最適合的妝容顏色。 2. 膚質分析: 根據個人膚質(乾燥、油性、混合性等),提供相應的底妝和保養建議。 3. 五官強調: 根據個人五官的特點,提供強調某些部位的彩妝技巧,如突顯眼睛、唇部等。 4. 化妝步驟建議: 提供根據個人特徵的彩妝步驟,以達到最佳效果。 5. 產品推薦: 基於分析結果,推薦特定品牌或產品,可能包括底妝、眼影、唇彩等。 6. 虛擬試妝: 利用虛擬現實或增強現實技術,讓使用者可以在螢幕上試妝,看到實際效果。 ※本服務後7天內,可針對報告或課程內容練習上,遇到需要協助的地方與我們聯繫。 “Color Analysis and Makeup Adjustment” includes the following related items: (Within a two-hour session, you can choose any 3 of the following focused execution points; as a member of the COLOR4 STUDIO, you’ll receive a “Personal Virtual Makeup Trial”!) 1. Color Analysis: Based on an analysis of your individual skin tone, eye color, and hair color, we recommend the most suitable makeup colors. 2. Skin Texture Analysis: Depending on your skin type (dry, oily, combination, etc.), we provide corresponding foundation and skincare recommendations. 3. Feature Emphasis: Considering your unique facial features, we offer makeup techniques to emphasize specific areas, such as enhancing the eyes or lips. 4. Makeup Step Recommendations: We provide makeup steps tailored to your individual characteristics to achieve the best results. 5. Product Recommendations: Based on the analysis results, we recommend specific brands or products, which may include foundation, eyeshadow, lipstick, and more. 6. Virtual Makeup Trial: Utilizing virtual reality or augmented reality technology, users can try on makeup virtually on their screens and see the actual effect. ※ Within 3 days after this service, if you encounter any areas where you need assistance related to the report or course content, feel free to contact us.


【 取消或改期 注意事項 】 ※ 請於3天前告知 1. 三日內臨時預約改期或取消,將酌收 NT$1200 手續費。 2. 一周內取消預約或改期,將酌收NT$500 手續費。 3. 預約 / 開課「7天內」不接受退費。 4. 預約 / 開課「當日」 無故缺席,則視同放棄,不受理退費與改期。 5. 如遇不可抗之因素,四季色彩研究室 將聯絡退改事宜。 6. 四季色彩研究室 COLOR4 STUDIO 保留以上更改之權益。 ※請直接展開右下角對話框,由專人協助你預約時間! 【Cancellation or Rescheduling Notice】 ※ Please inform us 3 days in advance. 1. For last-minute rescheduling or cancellations within 3 days, an administrative fee of NT$1200 will be charged. 2. For cancellations or rescheduling within 1 week, an administrative fee of NT$500 will be charged. 3. Reservations or courses scheduled within the 7-day period are non-refundable. 4. If you are absent without valid reason on the scheduled day, it will be considered a forfeiture, and no refunds or rescheduling will be entertained. 5. In case of unforeseen circumstances, the Four Seasons Color Research Studio will contact you regarding changes. 6. The Four Seasons Color Research Studio COLOR4 STUDIO reserves the right to make the above changes. ※ Please expand the chat window in the lower right corner for assistance with scheduling by our dedicated staff!


  • 四季色彩研究室 Color4 Studio, 台灣台北市大安區永康街75巷8號5樓之2

    + 886 933-669-293

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