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四季12型個人色彩鑑定 12 Season Color Analysis


  • 1 小
  • 4,800新台币 起
  • 台中市 Taichung|台北市 Taipei


◆ 現場加購其他方案,贈品不累贈。 (以線上訂購之方案內容為準) 四季十二型個人色彩鑑定方案 時長:1hr 費用:NT$4,800 (假日&周末酌收25%顧問費用) 鑑定師資格:由COLOR4®審核通過的 ◆ PCIS個人色彩形象顧問® ◆ 韓國K.image® 個人色彩顧問 方案流程: Step 1 個人色彩四屬性診斷(160色專利色布):包含色相(Yellow Base / Blue Base)、明度、彩度、清濁。 Step 2 個人四季色彩診斷結果諮詢:深入了解所屬之四季十二型色彩搭配、彩妝、髮色推薦與自帶彩妝品健檢。 贈品:個人四季十二型色卡乙份 *下訂前請加入會員,我們將不定期提供穿搭資訊與活動優惠訊息給你,讓我們一起看見自己的亮點,展現美好的生活。 ◆ 測色診斷時請素顏前來,以呈現更準確的診斷結果。 ◆ 我們會提供適合你的彩妝色調建議,亦可攜帶自己常用的彩妝前來做彩妝健檢諮詢。 四季色彩 V.S. 四季十二型 四季色彩是一個大範圍的色彩屬性,而四季十二型,則是每一季節中,再細分各三組調性,以達到更精準的色彩調和。 COLOR4® STUDIO 全程採用日本專利的色彩診斷工具,資深風格分析顧問皆通過JPCA個人色彩顧問® & Taste Scale Method 專業個人風格諮詢師雙系統認證,超過一般業界標準,給予你更客觀的色彩鑑定結果。 12 Season Personal Color Analysis Program Duration: 1hr Fee: NT$4,800 (25% of the consulting fee will be charged during holidays) Consultant Certification: ◆PCIS Personal Color Image Consultant® certified by COLOR4® ◆JPCA Personal Color Consultant® certified by COLOR4® ◆K.image Personal Color Consultant® certified by COLOR4® Solution process: Step 1 Personal color of Four-attribute diagnosis (160-color diagnosis drapes®): including hue (Yellow Base / Blue Base), lightness, chroma, and clarity. Step 2 Consultation on 12 season personal color diagnosis results: In-depth understanding of the 12 season personal color combinations, makeup and hair color recommendations, and check up on your personal cosmetics. Gift: A copy of the personal color card for the twelve season Personal Color swatch palette. *Please join our member before placing an order. We will provide you with update and discount information in the first place. ◆ The gifts are subject to the content of the online ordering plan, and no gifts will be accumulated. ◆ Please come without makeup during color analysis and diagnosis in order to achieve precise results. ◆ We will provide you with suggestions on makeup shades that are suitable for you. You can bring your makeup for the personal cosmetics consultation. Four Seasons Colors V.S. 12 Season Personal Color Analysis The colors of the four seasons are a wide range of color attributes, and the 12 types Personal Color are subdivided into three groups of tones in each season to achieve more precise color harmony. COLOR4® STUDIO throughout the process, we utilize an international patented color diagnostic tool. Through interviews, we gain an understanding of your current clothing concerns and provide professional color coordination recommendations based on your lifestyle and image requirements in both personal and professional needs.


【 取消或改期 注意事項 】 ※ 請於3天前告知 1. 三日內臨時預約改期或取消,將酌收 NT$1200 手續費。 2. 一周內取消預約或改期,將酌收NT$500 手續費。 3. 預約 / 開課「7天內」不接受退費。 4. 預約 / 開課「當日」 無故缺席,則視同放棄,不受理退費與改期。 5. 如遇不可抗之因素,四季色彩研究室 將聯絡退改事宜。 6. 四季色彩研究室 COLOR4 STUDIO 保留以上更改之權益。 ※請直接展開右下角對話框,由專人協助你預約時間! 【Cancellation or Rescheduling Notice】 ※ Please inform us 3 days in advance. 1. For last-minute rescheduling or cancellations within 3 days, an administrative fee of NT$1200 will be charged. 2. For cancellations or rescheduling within 1 week, an administrative fee of NT$500 will be charged. 3. Reservations or courses scheduled within the 7-day period are non-refundable. 4. If you are absent without valid reason on the scheduled day, it will be considered a forfeiture, and no refunds or rescheduling will be entertained. 5. In case of unforeseen circumstances, the Four Seasons Color Research Studio will contact you regarding changes. 6. The Four Seasons Color Research Studio COLOR4 STUDIO reserves the right to make the above changes. ※ Please expand the chat window in the lower right corner for assistance with scheduling by our dedicated staff!


  • 台灣台中市西區忠明南路497號1f

    + 886 933-669-293

  • 四季色彩研究室 Color4 Studio, 台灣台北市大安區永康街75巷8號5樓之2

    + 886 933-669-293

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